Where Cain Found his Wife…


Montre Bible, Spiritual Advisor

I wanted to start sharing with you guys some mythological stuff I’ve read and some dots I’ve connected when it comes to the new age, the Illuminati, religion, and aliens. If that’s not your thing well… move on to the next blog. Most of this is based off of mythology and I’m just going to put my theory out there. It may change how you view religion as a whole.  Take it with a grain of salt. I think there’s a lot of information out there and I’m only putting my thoughts on what I think.

Now, with that being said… I want to discuss the Anunnaki. These are the gods in Sumerian myths that supposedly created mankind. Sumerian literature predates Hebrew so it’s safe to say many of the biblical accounts allude from these myths (the creation, the flood, so on and so forth)

alien video

There were…

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